A Yellow card will result in a warning or possibly, a small penalty. A red card could have various punishments.
Eastern Conference GM Bookings:
Currently, NONE.
Western Conference GM Bookings:
Currently, NONE.
Examples of Punishments for a red card:
- Loss of draft picks
- Ban from chat box
- Ban from league
- Suspension from chat box
- Suspension from league
- One season League ban
- Not being allowed to participate in Free Agency
- Not being allowed to trade for a certain period of time
- Not being allowed to sign any rookies to play for the NHL club
Possible reasons for Yellow/Red Cards:
- Constant bashing of other members
- Intentional bad trading
- Cbox Spamming
- Posting opinions on trades and not being a Commish
- Spamming with advertisements for other leagues
- Intentionally 'tanking'
- Changing player stats on league page
- Using derogatory terms againsts other league members
There may be more to come. But that is all for now. You don't want yourself on this list.